Comedy queen Bharti Singh and her husband Harsh Limbachia have been released on bail in a Bollywood drug case. A Mumbai court granted them bail on the same day. NCB investigating officers were summoned after the banned drugs were recovered from a flat in Andheri on Saturday. The NCB arrested the two celebrities after a long interrogation.
It is learned that a very small quantity of cannabis was recovered from the flats of the two celebrities and bail was granted in exchange for a bond of only Tk 15,000. However, the comedian and her husband will have to go to the nearest police station for the next few days.
Ever since the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, the names of one star after another have been rising in Bollywood. Although Riya Chakraborty, accused in a Bollywood drug case, has been released on bail, more than 17 accused, including her brother Souvik, are still in jail. After that, the names of the top Bollywood stars like Deepika Padukone, Shraddha Kapoor, Rakulpreet Singh, Arjun Rampal have been added to the case. This time the names of popular comedian Bharti Singh and her screenwriter husband Harsh Limbachia are also involved in the drug case.
NCB investigating officers raided their Mumbai flat on Saturday and recovered 7.5 grams of cannabis. The two were then summoned to the NCB office. After a long 15-hour interrogation, the NCB arrested Bharti Singh and later Harsh Limbachia. "Bharati Singh & Harsh Limbachia only use drugs, not those involved in trafficking," said NCB director Sameer Wankhede. The two were remanded in judicial custody for 14 days when they were taken to Mumbai's Kila Court on Sunday afternoon. Then Bharati and Harsh applied for bail. Monday was the hearing day of that case.
Earlier, Arjun Rampal's was also involved in the drug-ring;. The Bollywood actor's house in Mumbai was also raided by the NCB (Narcotics Control Bureau). The NCB then summoned Arjun along with his gf 'Gabriel Dimitriades'. He was interrogated there for about seven hours. Arjun's friend Paul Bartel was arrested on drug charges. Arjun Rampal, along with his girlfriend, appeared at the Ballard Estate office in south Mumbai on a summons from NCB officials. Incidentally, the actor's driver was arrested after a search of Arjun's house. All the gadgets in the house including Arjun's personal mobile phone have been confiscated.