EarthDay All Quiz Answer - Whale Conservation Quiz, Protect Our Species Quiz, Climate Change Quiz

 Today Talk about Earth day Quiz . This Quiz Played on Earthday.Org website.  When you enter this site just found earth day quiz and you see some quizzes.  So Here is all Quiz With Question and Answer  .....

Earth Day Whale Conservation Quiz Answer  :- 

Whale conservation has the biggest impact on our world. Do you think you know your stuff?

1. Whales can live a long time. How long can the oldest whale species live?

100 years

 200 years

 50 years

 75 years

Answer  - 200 Years

Explain  :- Bowhead whales can live over 200 years!

2. True or False: After the 1986 moratorium on whaling, all commercial whaling ended.



Answer  - False 

Explain  :- The moratorium helped to decrease the number of countries that hunted whales but several continue to hunt today.

3. Which of the below countries continue to commercially whale today?




 All of the above

 None of the above

Answer  - All of the above

Explain  :- Japan, Norway, and Iceland all continue to whale commercially.

4. True or False: Commercial whaling is the last remaining threat to whales.



Answer  - False. 

Explain  :- It’s False! There are a number of other threats to whale populations!

5. Which of the following is a current threat to whale populations?



 Climate Change

 All of the above.

Answer  - All of the above.

Explain  :- Shipping lanes can be especially deadly to whales as high speeds are allowed that do not allow for strike avoidance. Fishing practices can result in vertical fishing lines that result in the entanglement of large whales, this can lead to severe injury if not death. Climate change is also a major threat as it alters the life cycles of whale’s main food sources and can decrease overall productivity.

6. True or False: The longer a whale lives the more positive effects on climate change it can provide.



Answer  - True 

Explain  :- While whales do consume quite a lot, they provide innumerable resources by acting as carbon sinks, nutrient cyclers, and a source of food for other animals and plants.

7. Sounds from boats and sonar devices are dangerous to whales.



Answer  - True.

Explain  :- Ocean noise created by human activities puts marine species at risk and threatens their survival. In fact, increased noise levels can impact certain species like whales, who rely on the ability to communicate and hear in their natural environment to find food, mates, and avoid predators. 

8.  In terms of carbon sequestration, how much can a great whale be worth over its lifetime?



 $1 million

 $2 million

Answer  - $2 million

Explain  :- Great whales can contribute to over $2 million in ecosystem services over their lifetime.

9. Which of the following are threatened with extinction?

 Blue Whales

 Right Whales

 Sperm Whale

 Sei Whale

 All of the above.

Answer  - All of the above.

Explain  :- Whales are some of the largest animals on the planet. Without correspondingly large protections for them, we may be watching some of the most iconic species of all time go extinct. 

Earth Day Protect Our Species Quiz Answer  :- 

1. What is an endangered species?

 A type of organism that is at risk of extinction.

 A species found on land and in the ocean.

 A species that is threatened by prey.

 All of the above.

Answer  -  A type of organism that is at risk of extinction.

Explain  :- Scientific evidence states that we’re now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the normal rate, with many extinctions happening daily.

2. The U.S. does not currently allow hunters to import animal trophies or parts.



Answer  - False .

Explain  :- Recently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reversed a ban on trophy imports for some African species and removed findings that gave broader permissions for importation. As such, trophy import applications for elephants, lions, and bontebok across six African countries are currently being reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

3. Climate change affects the gender of sea turtles.



Answer  - True

Explain  :- Warming temperatures can impact the gender of hatchlings. Sea turtle gender is determined by the temperatures during fertilization. Warming trends could skew the balance of sea turtle offspring and future populations.

4. What percentage of crops are dependent on bee pollination in the U.S.?





Answer  - 90%

Explain  :- Bee pollination is vital to maintaining life on our planet. In the U.S. alone, pollination produces nearly $20 billion worth of products every year and $217 billion worldwide

5. What can you do to help protect coral reefs?

 Buy and use oxybenzone and octinoxate-free sunscreen.

 Avoid purchasing coral.

 Choose seafood that has been sustainably sourced.

 All of the above.

Answer  - All of the above.

6. Nearly 40% of the 11,000 different bird species on Earth are experiencing a significant increase.



Answer  - False

Explain  :- They are facing a significant decline. 

7. Sounds from boats and sonar devices are dangerous to whales.



Answer  - True. 

Explain  :- Ocean noise created by human activities puts marine species at risk and threatens their survival. In fact, increased noise levels can impact certain species like whales, who rely on the ability to communicate and hear in their natural environment to find food, mates, and avoid predators. 

8. Poaching is a severe threat to elephants. How many elephants are killed for their tusks?

 50 per day.

 175 per week.

 100 per day.

 15 per day.

Answer  - 100 Per Day.

Explain  :- An astounding 100 elephants are killed each day for their tusks to fuel the illegal ivory trade.

9. How are microplastics (plastics that are less than 5 millimeters long) a threat to crustaceans?

 Microplastics are not a threat to crustaceans because they are biodegradable and safe to digest.

 Microplastics are so small that they do not post any harm to crustaceans or humans.

 Microplastics can damage organs and increase exposure to toxic chemicals. This can threaten immune function, growth and reproduction. This has potentially larger implications up the food chain for humans.

 None of the above.

Answer  - Microplastics can damage organs and increase exposure to toxic chemicals. This can threaten immune function, growth and reproduction. This has potentially larger implications up the food chain for humans.

10. Which of the following are threatened with extinction?





 All of the above.

Answer  - All of the above.

Earth Day Climate Change Quiz Answer  :- 

1. True or False: Wasting less food is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



Answer  - True. 

Explain  :- More than a third of food produced globally never makes it to the table. Some of this wasted food spoils  in transit, while consumers throw some of this food out. During the production, harvesting, transporting, and packaging of the wasted food, more than 3.3 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide is emitted.

2. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?



 Water vapor

 All of the above

Answer  - All of the above

Explain  :- Greenhouse gases may be a result of natural occurrence or human activity. These gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Fluorinated gases are also considered to be greenhouse gases.

3. What is the Greenhouse Effect?

 The name of climate change legislation that passed by congress

 When you paint your house green to become an environmentalist

 When the gasses in our atmosphere trap heat and block it from escaping our planet

 When you build a greenhouse

Answer  - When the gasses in our atmosphere trap heat and block it from escaping our planet

Explain  :- The Earth receives solar radiation from the sun. Passing through the atmosphere, some radiation is absorbed by the Earth, while some is reflected back to space. When the exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation occurs, some of the radiation becomes trapped by gases in the atmosphere. This creates a “greenhouse” effect and warms the planet.

4. Which of the following are consequences associated with climate change?

 The ice sheets are declining, glaciers are in retreat globally, and our oceans are more acidic than ever

 Surface temperatures are setting new heat records about each year

 More extreme weather like droughts, heat waves, and hurricanes

 Global sea levels are rising at an alarmingly fast rate — 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century alone and going higher.

 All of the above

Answer  - All of the above

Explain  :- All of these are problems associated with climate change. The majority of scientists agree that many of these effects are caused by human contribution to the greenhouse effect. Extreme weather events, droughts, heat waves, and rising sea levels  will have devastating effects on the world’s poorest countries and communities.

5. What can you do to help fight climate change?

 Divest from fossil fuel companies

 Engage yourself in the science behind climate change

 Vote for political candidates who will advocate for climate-related legislation and policy improvements

 All of the above

Answer  - All of the above

Explain  :- Along with these important steps that can be taken to help fight climate change, we also suggest adding your voice to the issues surrounding the climate debate, investing in clean energy companies, holding  yourself accountable for your actions and being aware of your impact on the planet, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in your daily life.

6. True or False: The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by humans.



Answer  - True. 

Explain  :- Studies show that 97 percent (or more) of climate scientists who are actively publishing agree that climate change is likely due to human activity.  Nearly 200 scientific organizations across the globe have issued statements that publicly endorse this view.

7. What was agreed to in the “Paris Agreement” that came out of COP-21, held in Paris in 2015?

 To protect biodiversity and end the deforestation of the world’s rainforests

 To keep global temperature rise well below 2℃ pre-industrial levels and to pursue a path to limit warming to 1.5℃

 To limit sea level rise to 3 feet above current levels

 To pursue a goal of 100% clean, renewable energy

Answer  - To keep global temperature rise well below 2℃ pre-industrial levels and to pursue a path to limit warming to 1.5℃

Explain  :- The Paris Agreement aims to keep the overall increase in global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius, with the hope of limiting it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Scientists believe that these are the largest increases in global temperature that we could experience without causing catastrophic change to the Earth’s climate.

8. Which of these countries emits the most carbon dioxide?





Answer  - China

Explain  :- According to the EPA, China is currently the top emitter of carbon dioxide, accounting for 30% of global carbon emissions. The United States ranks as the second top emitter at 15%.

9. What percentage of the global greenhouse gas emissions does the transportation sector emit?





Answer  - 14%

Explain  :- The transportation sector emits 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Most of this involves fossil fuels burned for road, rail, air, and marine transportation, since petroleum-based fuels (i.e., gasoline and diesel) account for almost all of the world’s transportation energy.

10. Globally, which of the following economic sectors emits the largest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions?




 Electricity and heat production

Answer  - Electricity and heat production

Explain  :- The electricity and heat production sector emits the largest percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions at 25%. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use sector is a close second at 24%.

11. How much has the average global temperature risen by since 1880 (in Fahrenheit)?

 0.5 degrees

 1.69 degrees

 5 degrees

Answer  -  1.69 degrees

Explain  :- The average global temperature has risen by 1.69 degrees F (0.94 degrees C) since the twentieth century with more significant warming toward the poles than in the equatorial region.

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